Captain America: The Winter Soldier VS. The Selfish Giant

Friday, 7 February 2014

Three examples on how the internet is being used to promote Captain America: The Winter Soldier in the UK

Example 1:

What is it? (e.g. newspaper article, a competition, an event, etc.)
A newspaper article.

What is the source?
EMPIRE magazine.

Is it an above the line or below the line example?
On the site: below the line.
Magazine: above the line.

Who is it attempting to reach?
It is attempting to reach fans of Marvel's previous work such as 'The Avengers'. It's stating that the movie will lead up to the second Avengers movie and fans of the first installment will therefore be interested in it.

In what way is it a valuable marketing opportunity?
Encourages fans to see the film even if they did not like the first 'Captain America' movie. It will build up to the next Avengers movie and the audience of that movie will have to watch 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier' in order for 'The Avengers 2' to make sense. Marvel will be relying on their audience to have seen 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'. This article is a good example of free advertising and persuasion.

Example 2:

What is it? (e.g. newspaper article, a competition, an event, etc.)
An official video game based on the events featured in the movie.

What is the source?
Gameloft - video game developer.

Is it an above the line or below the line example?
Above the line: the game will be available to purchase for a small price on various app stores.

Who is it attempting to reach?
The game is aiming to a reach a broad audience of young individuals and general fans of video games. It will also appeal to die-hard fans of Marvel and it's superheroes.

In what way is it a valuable marketing opportunity?
The video game will reel in a wide audience as it ties-in with the movie and may even persuade general fans of mobile video games to watch the movie. While making money in the process, the developers of the game are persuading a wide video game audience to go and invest their money in watching the film. If they do not choose to go watch the film then they have still made a little investment towards both Marvel and Gameloft.

Example 3:

What is it? (e.g. newspaper article, a competition, an event, etc.)
Five minute preview of the movie played before 'Thor: The Dark World' (exclusive to 3D customers).

What is the source?
'Thor: The Dark World' 3D Exclusive preview.

Is it an above the line or below the line example?
Above the line: making more money in 3D sales.

Who is it attempting to reach?
It is attempting to reach cinema-goers to tend to watch their movies in the 2D format.

In what way is it a valuable marketing opportunity?
By making the preview exclusive to 3D customers only, the showing persuades 2D customers to view 'Thor: The Dark World' in order to watch the exclusive footage from Marvel's forthcoming movie. Therefore, more money is made when the 3D customers purchase the glasses and pay other extra costs.

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